advanced adj. 1.前进的,先驱的;高等的,高深的。 2.先进的。 3.(年纪)老的,(夜)深的。 most advanced branches of science and technology 尖端科学技术。 rather an advanced young woman 较先进的妇女。 a man advanced in years 老年人。 advanced age 高龄。 advanced grammar 高等语法。 advanced ideas 进步思想。 advanced post 前哨。 advanced studies 高等[先进]的学术研究。 a culturally advanced country 高度文明的国家。
The architecture is simple , with high respond speed , high stability and adopts very advanced charging termination methods such as - v , max voltage , max temptature and temptature change rate so its reliability and safety are very high 该电路结构简单,响应速度快,有很高的稳定性,采用了非常完善的充电中止方法,如- v终止,最高电压,最高温度和温度变化率等,使得该电路具有相当高的可靠性和安全性。
The eye doctor looks at well - being cream of sticking concentrating medicine administering eye tradition formula , selects and uses a wild chrysanthemum flower , decides various chinese medicinal crops famous and precious such as akiko , golden cypress , dan shen root , pearl powder , angelica dehurica , danpi , studying formula and advanced charging of international let a technology go , extract combining with modern medicine 眼博士视康贴集中药治眼传统配方之精华,选用野菊花、决明子、黄柏、丹参、珍珠粉、白芷、丹皮等多种名贵中药材,结合现代医药研究配方和国际先进的控释、萃取技术。
Up to now , it has established two famous brands : global mobile telephone and shenzhouxing advance charge business . global mobile telephone service for 139 , 138 , 137 , 136 , 135 mobile phones is now a commonplace to all . it has a total of 3 million users , an outstanding marketing achievement 公司长期以来重视营销工作,现已形成“全球通”和“神州行”两大著名品牌, “全球通”数字移动电话网号139 、 138 、 137 、 136 、 135已家喻户晓,移动电话客户总数超过300万,取得了一定的营销成绩。